
Since 2012, Cal System Indonesia (calsysid) has been committed to customers from various industries in Indonesia to continue to provide the best services and solutions. Supported by reliable human resources, we create an efficient and safe company and make business run faster.

Calsys Struggling

Jan 2020 - Current

Survival and Golden Years

2020 - 2021 are the years when many companies have to survive in the midst of the Covids Pandemic. Fortunately, our company has made many innovations in skills, products and services that are trendy at that time and in the future. Our predictions are correct that future technology needs will be needed and will grow rapidly.

The First Project

Apr 2014 - Apr 2020

Infrastructure IT Company

The first project in the field of internet infrastructure, computers, telecommunications, network TV channels, CCTV for 4 companies Automotive, Financial, Mall, Livestock, Retail Stores, Schools and Campuses

We Exist

Apr 2012

The Birth of the Company

In April 2012, we officially established a company in the technology sector that focuses on IT, Computer Networks and the Internet to serve companies.